Rock Park Bowling Club Barnstaple

North Devon

This is who we are:

President: Mr Dougie Cole - 01271 377806

Chairperson: Mr Richard Barton - 01271 373395

Captain: Mr Ken Ellis - 01271 373382

Vice Captain: Mr John Mock- 01271 377536

Ladies Captain: Mrs Rose Baker - 01271 327172

Vice Captain: Ms Janette Gale  - 07870 559959

Treasurer: Mr Matt Lavercombe - 01271 379015

Safeguarding Officer: Ms Hilary Richards - 01271 329288


Mr Richard Barton, Mr Dougie Cole and Mr Peter Dymond

Application forms available from:

Secretary: Mr Jack Neville

2. Crosspark Close, Bellaire, Barnstaple EX31 4AN

01271 371808


or download from the following links:

Application Form - Bowling

Application Form - Social

Arrange fixtures through:

Fixtures Secretary: Mr Ray Watts

53, Taw View, Fremington, Barnstaple

01271 373206
